Level 1 (Ground)
We want good daylight – a “daylight factor” (DF) if used with a uniform sky.
- <2% is dim (dark blue)
- 2% to 5% is good
- More than 10% is pretty bright, but okay for outside areas
No windows

Standard Glazing (VLT 70) with current design
Standard clear has a visible light transmission of 92%. We use 70% to account for dirt (10%) and frames (10%).

L1 Improvements
Let’s fix these by:
- B1: Enlarge window.
- Bathroom: Paint light
- Dining: Enlarge stairwell – can only easily enlarge by 100mm, increase VLT of window above and add window

So the final solutions are:
- B1: Enlarge window.
- Bathroom: Paint light
- Dining: Enlarge stairwell, and increase VLT of window above and add window
- The stairwell light above doesn’t seem to really improve things (strange), so
- enlarge dining south window (1200×1200), paint dining light colours and maximise stairwell light with a minimal balustrade.
- paint lounge light to reduce glare from high windows
The final L1 result is not too bad. The dining room is about 1.5%DF. Lounge is 4%.

And we can do some renders to get a ‘feel’ for the look of the improved daylight:

Level 2
Base Design
This will remain mostly unchanged so these is less design scope.

I’ve lived in this house, so can comment on ‘real-world’ impressions.
- Left: B1 and dressing is good, if dark at the back. Ok.
- Top right: ensuite: white tiles will provide good lighting with 2 (450×1200) windows as shown. The others are blanked out.
- Left middle: existing bathroom shows as poor, but is on the north and in reality is just ok.
- Left bottom: B2, old kitchen shows as good and in reality is good. On north.
- Right: both rooms are marginal, which is true in reality. Without resorting to western windows or major changes, some way of improving/enlarging existing windows (e.g. replace glass, paint white, remove sun hoods) would be good.
We can do a few things to improved:
- Remove sunhoods to south
- paint B2, B3 white and clean/open windows (e.g. remove bars)
- B2 (on the right of image) can have translucent doors.
- Existing bathroom (mid-left): replace lourves with window. Make clear at the top.