Encode custom models to Django’s JSONField


Say you have a Class like this:

class Device():
 def __init__()
 ref = 333
 name = "sweet one" 
 things = { ... of things... }
 when = datetime.now()

and then you want to serialise it, say as a ‘snapshot’ for rendering or logging, and you want to store that in another model:

class LogContext(model.Model):
    snapshot = model.JSONField() # store Device/s in here

We want to be able to say:

d1 = Device()
d1.ref = 1
d2 = Device()
d2.things = { ... }
l = LogContext()
l.snapshot = [ d1, d2 ]

A normal JSONEncoder doesn’t know about “Device” so you get Device type not JSON serializable.

Specific Solution (Encode Only)






Maybe use orson or jsonpickle or pickle? Let’s keep it simple and secure.

Solution (Encode Only)

  • Start with DjangoJSONEncoder – it encodes datetime and timedeltas
  • Extend this class to handle custom types of the app
  • Reuse existing “Serializers” from DRF which we need anyway.

class CustomJSONEncoder(DjangoJSONEncoder):    
    Use the DRF Rest Framework serializers to serialize phisaver objects.
    Return strings for miscellenous objects like Path and timedelta, which can be rendered in the template.

    def default(self, obj):

        if isinstance(obj, Grogu):
            return GroguSerializer(obj).data
        elif isinstance(obj, PhiUser):
            return UserSerializer(obj).data
        elif isinstance(obj, Fleet):
            return FleetSerializer(obj).data
        elif isinstance(obj, Device):
            return DeviceSerializer(obj).data
        elif isinstance(obj, Path):
            return str(obj)
        # Will raise a TypeError if obj is not a valid JSON type in DjangoJSONEncoder
        return super().default(obj)
  • Then use the normal JSONField of Django and specify this encoder
class Logger(models.Model):
    context = models.JSONField(encoder=CustomJSONEncoder, default=dict)


The default=dict creates a *new* {} as the default of the field. You want that to avoid sharing {}

DRF Serializers are convenient but couple you to DRF. That’s okay for me.

You could catch TypeErros from return super().default(obj), and just return str(obj) for un-encodable types.

This doesn’t handle decoding. For ‘read-only’ situation (e.g. snapshots of objects, logs, context for rendering) this is fine.

You can encode Django models too. That is, to store a snapshot of a model in another.

Solution (Encode and Decode)

If you need to decode too, it’s harder as you can’t just write strings since you can’t know their types to re-create them. A limited solution is to write matching Encoder and Decode with a ‘_type’ attribute to solve this.

This is limited and verbose but good if you really must decode types.

This example has the two JSON class and a convenience Field which uses them.

This CustomJSONField class, a Model field, extends the Django JSONField and provides custom 
encoding and decoding for datetime and timedelta objects. 

Example usage:

    class MyModel(models.Model):
        data = CustomJSONField()



import json
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from django.db.models import JSONField

class CustomJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, datetime):
            return {"_type": "datetime", "value": obj.isoformat()}
        elif isinstance(obj, timedelta):
            return {"_type": "timedelta", "value": obj.total_seconds()}
        return super().default(obj)

class CustomJSONDecoder(json.JSONDecoder):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(object_hook=self.object_hook, *args, **kwargs)

    def object_hook(self, dct):
        if "_type" not in dct:
            return dct
        if dct["_type"] == "datetime":
            return datetime.fromisoformat(dct["value"])
        elif dct["_type"] == "timedelta":
            return timedelta(seconds=dct["value"])
        return dct

class CustomJSONField(JSONField):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        kwargs["encoder"] = CustomJSONEncoder
        kwargs["decoder"] = CustomJSONDecoder
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)