Timeseries Data Schema

Different code uses different formats for Time Series data. With query languages converted to, say, Python lists and dicts, the structure can depend on the query. The query can be dynamic and therefore the structure of the return types can be dynamic.

For clients receiving timeseries data (e.g. charting app), it’s a pain in the ass to handle different formats, as each needs different loopies.

This page is an effort define a few canonical types.

We list “All Types” (below) and then squish them into “Canonical Types”, thereby reducing the number of types to handle down to A,B instead of 1,2,3,4,5,6

The tradeoff is in inefficiency. For example, using “Type A: table” for a Type 2 is pretty verbose.

Canonical Types

Type A: table

Return as a dictionary of lists to cover types 1,2,3
Somewhat verbose 
Leaves list length undefined

k1      v1      v2
k2      v2      v3
k3      v5      v5


    'Net' : [ 101.1, 10.1 ],
    'Oven': [ 11, 11 ]


- Type 1 : list 
    via a dictionary with single 'values' item 
    { 'values' : [ 1 , 2, 3 ]

- Type 2 : simple dictionary 
    via single valued live
    { k1: [ v1 ], k2: [v2], k3: [v3]}

- Type 3 : moment dictionary
    { k1 : [ v1, d1 ], k2: [v2, d3], k3: [v3, d1] }

Type C : (compact) series

The most compact form, but doesn't cover sparse data well

   Types 4,5,6

    k1        k2        k3
d1  v1        v2        v3
d2  v4        v5        v6

    _times : [ d1, d2, d3, ]
    k1 : [ v1, v2, v3]
    k2 : [ v1, None, v3]
    k3 : [ v1, v2, v3]

Type B : (sparse) series

Potentially easy for (eg) ChartJS to ingest?

   Type 4,5,6

  k1        k2        k3
d1          v1        
d2                    v2
d3  v3
d4          v4        v5

        'Net' : [(DateTime1, 10.1), (DateTime2, 10.3), ...]
        'Oven' :  [(DateTime1, 0.1), (DateTime2, 1.1), ...]

All the types

There are all the main types I find useful in timeseries data analysis. I assign my own names for reference.

Type 1 :  list

v1      v2      v3


Type 2 : simple dictionary

k1  v1
k2  v2
k3  v3

    'Net' : 101.1,
    'Oven': 121.1

Type 3 : moment dictionary

k1 ( v1, d1 )
k2 ( v3, d2 )
k3 ( v5, d3 )

        'Net' : (10.1, DateTime1)      # max of Net
        'Oven' :  (10.2 DateTime3)     # max of Oven

        'Net' : (10.1, None)      # mean of Net
        'Oven' :  (10.2 None)     # mean of Oven

Type 4 : sparse series by key

    k1        k2        k3
d1            v1        
d2                      v2
d3  v3
d4            v4        v5

        'Net' : [(DateTime1, 10.1), (DateTime2, 10.3), ...]
        'Oven' :  [(DateTime1, 0.1), (DateTime2, 1.1), ...]

Type 5 : sparse series by time

    k1        k2        k3
d1  v1                  v3
d2  v4        v5        v6

    datetime1: { "sensor1": value1, "sensor2": value1 },
    datetime2: { "sensor1": value2, "sensor2": value2 }

Type 6 : compact series 

    k1        k2        k3
d1  v1        v2        v3
d2  v4        v5        v6

    _times : [ d1, d2, d3, ]
    k1 : [ v1, v2, v3]
    k2 : [ v1, v2, v3]
    k3 : [ v1, v2, v3]

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