Zinken Compact 21 : Repairs

I bought this unit in Brisbane, Australia. This records details in case they are useful to others.


Bearings were mostly stuffed after 30 years. They are metric and available from standard suppliers. Steel sides (ZZ).

  • Spindle Molder Belt Idler: 6000 (x2)
  • Spindle Molder:
    • 6205
    • 6005 (47odx25idx12thk)
  • Saw: 6001 (x2)
  • Planer: 6304 “ZR” (x2)
  • Drive Shaft (starting closest to motor)
    • 6205ZZ : 52od x 25id x 15thk (1): 6205
    • 6005ZZ: 47od x 25id x 12thk (x2): 6005
  • Square Slider Table Rollers: 626 (x6)

Sources: Applied Industrial Geebung, CBC Eagle Farm


  • Turn the machine on its table to access.
  • The drive shaft retaining bolt (at the end of the shaft) is reverse threaded (M8, 22 long thread).
  • A bearing puller is required for drive shaft with a reach of >110mm


Must get custom made. Used type F1, GT 10P, 1.6mm from Forbo

  • Saw: 815×25
  • Planer: 930×25
  • Molder: 1050×25
  • Feed: 750×15

Sources: Forbo Virginia

28 thoughts on “Zinken Compact 21 : Repairs

  1. Hi Brett I have acquired a ZC 21 and don’t know how to use it or if I would use it. I was just wondering if you know what it would be worth? It has all the attachments and instructions with it. Regards Damien

    1. I paid $1000 for a machine with all key parts. Motor ok. Belt old but ok. It needed new bearings and a fair bit of work.

  2. Hi Brett,we have a Zinken 21 compact type 79 machine that requires three new prismatic locking bars,if you can help we would like a price including freight to New Zealand.
    regards Jim

    1. I have a Zinken 21. I have been trying to find replacement locking bars for the planer head. The old zinc ones have expanded and cracked.
      I have been speaking to an enginer in Wellington who can make 3 new ones for around NZ$600. Not sure if anyone has good originals for sale ?

      1. Hi Jeff. I haven’t found any parts. The Italian company exists but have no parts. Good luck!

      2. Hi Jeff,
        Did you have any luck getting prismatic locking bars in New Zealand? I am after 3 for my Type 80 Zinken Compact 21. kind regards, Louise. Nicholls Machinery, Sanson

        1. Hi Louise, did you have any luck locating any parts for your Zinken.

          Kyle Parker

          1. Hi Louise
            My last post disappeared unfortunately so I thought I’d try again.I have purchased a Zinken machine from an estate in Rotorua.Unfortunately all the parts weren’t there.Im musing the mortising sliding table.Both handles are there.Also the alloy guard on the router.It would be great if someone on the forum could help me out.Gav from Whanganui NZ

      3. Hi Jeff, did you have any success in locating some locking bars or did you get some made. I am looking for replacements also in Wellington area.

    2. Hi Jim. I’m a Z21C owner in NZ .Im after some parts as well.When I bought mine some parts were missing.IVe looked all over but to no avail.

  3. Hi Brett, Thanks for this page
    My Zincen 21 a gift from a friend was pure bliss until one day the motor suddenly lost power .It still just starts if I manually spin the cooling fan a bit but it hasn’t has got any guts left . What kind of motor (Part no 5151TRIF) do you reckon it is ?. I can’t see any evidence of brushes ? I have this amazing 12 page coloured promotion guide in English so I do know it has a very clever magnetic safety and voltage protection switch but that’s all on the motor front .
    Steve in Bellingen.

    1. Hi Steve,
      Hopefully not too late.
      My motor did the same, or similar; a couple of quiet pops, then no turning but only a hum when switched on. My problem turned out to be a $22 start capacitor, and no need to get into the motor. Though I have dismantled that to fit the 5 motor bearings.

  4. Hi
    I have various used cabinet making machines including a have a Zinken 21 Type 79. If anyone is interested in buying.

  5. Hi Brett, I too have a ZC 21 with a good set of accessories inhertited from father-in-law that I use in many ways. I’m currently puzzling on using 1/2″ end mills in the spindle moulder. The accessory I have is a split collet for 9.5mm end mills, mentioned on p23, and shown in fig 33. I’ve been trying to work out what the taper is, to see if other collets are available. Anybody else in NZ or OZ tried matching the taper measurements to collets that are available today, and maybe successfully finding one that fits?
    I can source router bits with 9.5mm (3/8″) dia shanks, but there is greater choice at 1/2″ shanks .. including ironically ones that I have without having a collet to put them in.

  6. Hello Brett! Sweden calling and asking for one (or three) prismatic locking bars for the cutter for the Zinken Compact 21 / Luna Z50. Yes, it broke in a billion pieces after I tried to re-install the freshly sharpened knives. Super greatful if you happen to have or know how to get a hold of them. Thanks!

  7. I am in Ireland and am just starting to refurbish a Zinken 21 that has been disrespected in its past, before I bought it.
    Several parts seem to be missing. The chain drive for the power feed. What does the lower end of the chain go over/round. It is currently hanging on the two driven sprockets and the tensioner.

    Also, the stainless surfaces of the planer and saw bench are dented and warped. I will need to replace them. Would a plastic laminate serve just as well?

    Any documents above the user manual in pdf are very welocme!

  8. Hi Brett.
    Great I formation, especially the reverse thread and belt sizes.

    Would you have any pictures of the auto feed belt drive Pulley setup? I have the chain, but no drive sprocket.

  9. The suppler of my Zinken ZC21 machine faxed me the following re the belt sizes, back in 1995:
    Saw 828×25
    SP Moulder 1056×25
    Cutter Block 939×25
    Feed Drive 762×15

    The fax was a copy of a Zinken parts schedule – the lengths are slightly different that those listed by Brett, above, but I suspect more accurate.
    I tried to paste a copy in here but it was not accepted.

  10. Hi Brett, could you let me know where I can get belts made for my Zinken 21,

  11. I have Zinken Combo 21 with some accessories that became mine when my dad passed, I haven’t used it for a long while now and wondered if anyone on this forum would be interested in it? I am in the Far North Coast NSW

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